Ready to Get Started?
Let's kick things off with a quick intro about yourself and your project needs, then we can schedule your consultation.
Company Information
Client Name
First Name
Last Name
Company Name or DBA
Background Information
What specific services does your company provide?
What sets your company apart from your competition?
In a few words, describe your company's personality.
Who is your target audience?
Be as specific as possible: age, location, gender, education, occupations, any other applicable demographic.
Do you currently have a website?
If you do not have a website and are looking for web design services, in a few short words tell me about your web design needs and goals.
i.e. informational site; e-commerce site; requires a members only access area on site; one-page parallax site; etc. (Please note, all web design services are provided using SquareSpace as a design and hosting platform and Clients are responsible for any associated SqSp fees)
Do you have design assets already established?
i.e. Logo, Photography/Imagery, Content, Icons, etc.
Yes, I have the content and imagery ready to go
No, I need help with these
What is your tentative budget for this project?
Brand Experience
What are your design goals?
i.e. New Brand, Brand Re-fresh, Website Design, Logo, Content Marketing, Copywriting, Social Media, etc.
In a few words, what do you want your audience to feel when they interact with your brand?
People connect to brands through empathy, so consider how you want your audience to remember your brand.
What are some examples of designs that you like, and what do you like about them?
These can be unrelated to your business, but should represent a style, tone, and aesthetic that you find appealing.
What are some examples of designs that you absolutely do NOT like, and what don't you like about them?
These can be examples of instances where you've seen a design and felt almost offended by its existence.
What specific deliverables do you require?
(this can be adjusted later, as needed)
Brand ID (Logo, Typography, Color Palette, Brand Guidelines)
UX Design (Design of Responsive Sites, Mobile-first Design, Prototyping, Wireframing, Mockups. Note: No Development)
Website - Squarespace (New Site)
Website Re-design - Squarespace (Existing Site)
Traditional Marketing Materials (Business Cards, Business Papers, Print Advertisement Design)
Social Media Marketing Materials (Videos, Animated GIFs, Images)
Package Design (Design of Physical Packaging. Note: Not design of the package, but the branding on the package)
Data Visualization (Research, Static Imagery, Motion Imagery)
Book Design (Cover, Spine, Page Layout)
Presentation Design (Investor, Strategic)
Advising/Consulting Services
Thank you!